Friday, 28 February 2014

Astanayika .... Vasakasajja Nayika

Many of us know and many don't. Asthanayika in Natyasashtra are an integral part of Indian Classical dance and music. Saint Bharat depicted eight mental and emotional states a woman can have. All the states belong to being in romance and love. Ashtanayika is an integral part of Abhinaya in various Indian classical dance forms and it has been used in many portrait, wall art, sculpture as theme. 

I should ask prior apology for what I am going to do. I am not here to poke or hurt anyone's sentiments those who are very much involved with Natyasastra as I am a devotee of Indian classical dance and worshiper of it. Somehow after getting indulged into Abhinaya especially 'Khandita Nayika' I finished reading other seven Nayikas too. I realized that we women are ocean of sentiments and secrets. We pass through various emotional state while in love and relations. Sometimes we express but few times we don't. We suppress our grief in deepest level of heart and tolerate everything. These eight scenarios were true then and will be true universally for the rest of the time world can have. So suddenly I thought to write few poems based on the same concept one can have.

Mercy please !!  this try is just a form of expressing my influence...

Vasakasajja Nayika
[ one dressed up for Reunion ]

Mirror Mirror Mirror
tell me by chance,
will he come to me
& make the awaited romance ?

Mirror Mirror Mirror
Am I beautiful enough
to please his mind
like an aesthetic seraph ?

Tell me if I am incomplete
before he arrives
Pour me some more beauty
to give him a pleasant surprise
The blush on my cheeks,
the smile on my lips
& hallucinations of mind
are making me blind.

Mirror Mirror Mirror
let me know please !!
if the flowers are right
to offer him a greet.

Mirror Mirror Mirror
Let this wait be over
Let him come soon
& complete me like

Picture : Wikipedia
Read More :
written on 15th Jan,2014

Read the Astanayika Series here 

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Pain, Relief, Happiness and Soulfulness ... = Highway

The time the trailer came out, I decided to watch this movie alone.Sometimes loneliness is needed to feel something in deep. Anyhow I managed an aloof seat with no one at the both sides and watched it with only me. Highway was high on my mind since it came up with its first trailer. I thought and expected that I would find myself in this movie. Imtiaz Ali didn't disappoint my hopes at all. There was a dialogue in this movie "Jaise main hoon hi nahin yahanpe, jaise koi film chal rahi ho aur main bass dekh rahi hoon" and I should narrate that as "jaise main hoon yahan pe, jaise koi film nahin chal rahi ho aur mani samne se dekh rahi hu".It was that level of satisfaction while watching it.

The movie was about getting lost in your own world of infinite hopes, finding your innerself & just feeling each and every second of it.Nature is incredible, God has poured different colors on its every corner. While moving over a highway, you just see the nature changing its shades from one to another.Shades of the people, the locals, the culture and color of its beauty.What can you do ultimately to feel like flying? You can open up your arms and touch the air, kiss the raindrops, hug the dust and sands of road, play on grass field, touch the flower grains and all you can do is to loose yourself & surrender to the womb of limitless mother-nature. Imtiaz Ali captured each and every small interactions which one can have with nature. Fortunately or unfortunately, I feel the same always. I could see my own reflection few times with few instincts. I may sound crazy, but it is real to find me doing such odds while travelling. Sleeping on the sand, watching the night sky, running like a mad, jumping in tree, touching the water, shouting and laughing out loud.These were mine.I saw myself. Oh !! God... for the sake of this movie I reached my dream destination Rajasthan again, touched the water of mountains in Himachal, played with snow. But the unmatched part was, I could never been to such odd places for loooonggg... I always wanted to visit some odd, lonely unrecognized places & to stay over there with no do's and don'ts alone. I don't know whether this will happen in my lifetime or not, but Imtiaz Ali fulfilled my wish a bit. I could live my desired life of a bird for 2 hrs:12 mins. Ahhh !! my words won't be less to express & I will continue writing my blah blah and blahs ... So putting a full stop here and skipping other parts of the movie.

'Highway' is a story of a confined bird living in a cage of false prestige & unreal world for long, with full of dreams & fantasy to fly.Fortunately this bird 'Veera' flies off as the door of her cage gets opened up forever by another vagabond 'Parinda' Mahabir. Mahabir is a criminal for society. murderer for all but an angel for Veera. Veera whose childhood is bounded with some dark truth of abusement finds a way to freedom, holding the hand of Mahabir whereas a rough, raw Mahabir whose childhood holds the proof & sentiment of betrayal from society finds his lost & beloved mother within Veera. The movie was again about a beautiful, simple emotional lovestory where these two fall in empathetically. They build their fantasy world & forget the rest. But when one of the two is being snatched away from the other, everything seems broken and lost. So the movie was over all about escaping away in search for your inner soul, having a beautiful long affair with nature, pain, tears, happiness & soulfulness and yes a war between real & unreal.

Let's come to the highway team

1. Who is Alia Bhatt? I thought she was Veera. The simple, cute, bubbly Veera was adorable.

2. Rugged Mahabir (Randeep Hooda) again made me to fall for him. He was  - Handsome, earthy and metallic.

3. Rahman Sir, who are you? Are you an angel of God to carry his message via your music? you made me to breath in with air of wonderful scenarios.

4.Hats off !! the creator .. That's enough to pay respect for you. Imtiaz Sir, you mised up all my emotions to feel for the movie.

My favorite Scenes 

1. Veera lying on her back over the dunes, raindrops are falling on her, Peacocks are sounding from far, and she is asking herself "How am I ? "

2. Veera's various interaction with her own mirage while being alone & to hear the sounds of earth to fly.

3. Veera sitting on a rock at the middle of the mountain river, smiling like crazy and staring, hearing the sounds of forcible water flow.

4.Motherly Veera to absorb Mahabir with care and love to lessen his pain

5. Veera cries out loud remembering Mahabir at the end.

6. And the final scene of hope to recreate the childhood of both Veera & Mahabir with happiness and togetherness.

--- Thanks for keeping patience to read my nonsense bunch of words & sentences of scribbles. Lastly would love to give Highway 10/10 for my satisfaction.

Highway is still high on my mind. If you haven't watched then please do watch it.

P.S : Mercy for any typos mistake 

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Friday, 21 February 2014

একটু বাংলায়ে লিখি?

Today is International Mother language day so I asked in the title "Should I write in Bengali?". Sorry for my non-Bengali post followers. Today I am feeling to write only in Bengali so my post will be in my mother tongue, Bengali.

আজ তো আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস তাই  ইচ্ছে হলো যা লিখব ভেবেছিলাম সেটাকে একটু বাংলায়ে লিখি । তা বলে এটা বলা অনুচিত যে আজকের দিনেই আমার নিজের মাতৃভাষার উপর আবেগ উতলে পরছে। আমার ভাষা আমার গর্ব এবং প্রতিদিনের মতন আজকেও আমার আবেগ একনিষ্ঠ। তা বলে এরকমও নয়ে যে আজ আমি কোনো english কথা মুখে আনিনি, বলেছি এবং সচ্ছন্দেই বলেছি। যাক গে ওসব কথা। point এ আসি। 

আমার এই  post  টাতে আমি এই আনুমানিক দেড় সপ্তাহ আগের ছোট এবং মর্মান্তিক ঘটনার কথা উল্লেখ করেছিলাম। আর আজকে আরো একটি ছোট ঘটনা ঘটল।  এটাকে মর্মান্তিক বলব না কিন্তু আমার একটু বেদনাদায়ক লেগেছে বটে। মা কুকুরটি সেদিনকে একটা বাচ্চা হারিয়ে ছিল আকস্বিক ভাবে। কিন্তু আজ অরেকটা বাচ্চাকে হারালো। না আকস্বিক না, কিন্তু কিছুটা হলেও দুঃখজনকভাবে। 

নিজেদের ভাইকে সেদিন হারিয়ে যতটা দুঃখ না ওই বাকী দুইজন  পেয়েছিল, মা পেয়েছিল তার চেয়ে অনেক। ওই ঘটনার পর থেকে মা কুকুরটিকে চুপচাপ কুণ্ডলী পাকিয়ে বসে থাকতে দেখতাম। দেখতাম চোখ দুটো নুয়ানো। দুঃখে চুপচাপ হয়ে গিয়ে বাকি দুটো ছানার প্রতি আরো একটু সতর্ক হওয়াটা খুবই স্বাভাবিক। 

এই কয়েকদিন বাচ্চা দুটোকে চোখ থেকে দূরে সরায়ে নি মা কুকুরটা। কিন্তু আজ নিজের চোখের সামনে একটি ছানাকে তুলে দিল একজনের হাতে। আমি একটু দুঃখ পেয়েছি কারণ এখন শুধুমাত্র একটি ছানাকেই আদর করতে পারব আমি, কিন্তু একদিকে খুশিও হয়েছি এই ভেবে যে ওই বাচ্চাটা বেঁচে যাবে। হয়ত ওর মা ও তাই ভেবেছে। ওই ছানাটি শেষ বারের মতন একবার মানুষের কোল থেকে নেমে আসল মায়ের কাছে, আর মা কুকুরটি আদর করলো বাচ্চাটাকে শেষবারের মতন। একটু দুধও খাওয়ালো শেষ বারের মতন। ব্যাস , তারপর বাচ্চাটা চলে গেল। তারপর কাছে গিয়ে দেখলাম মা টি একটা কোণে তার শেষ ছানাটিকে নিয়ে কুন্ডলী পাকিয়ে বসে আছে, দুজনেই নিস্তেজ আর শান্ত। চোখ নুয়ানো আর নিজের অংশকে হারিয়ে ফেলার অনুতাপ। 

এই সাদা ছানাটিকেই নিয়ে গেছে 

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Thursday, 20 February 2014


Untitled #8

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Astanayika .... Virahotkanthita Nayika

Many of us know and many don't. Asthanayika in Natyasashtra are an integral part of Indian Classical dance and music. Saint Bharat depicted eight mental and emotional states a woman can have. All the states belong to being in romance and love. Ashtanayika is an integral part of Abhinaya in various Indian classical dance forms and it has been used in many portrait, wall art, sculpture as theme. 

I should ask prior apology for what I am going to do. I am not here to poke or hurt anyone's sentiments those who are very much involved with Natyasastra as I am a devotee of Indian classical dance and worshiper of it. Somehow after getting indulged into Abhinaya especially 'Khandita Nayika' I finished reading other seven Nayikas too. I realized that we women are ocean of sentiments and secrets. We pass through various emotional state while in love and relations. Sometimes we express but few times we don't. We suppress our grief in deepest level of heart and tolerate everything. These eight scenarios were true then and will be true universally for the rest of the time world can have. So suddenly I thought to write few poems based on the same concept one can have.

Mercy please !!  this try is just a form of expressing my influence...

Virahotkanthita Nayika
[ one distressed by separation ]

I was quite, I know
didn't spell a word to you
didn't allow your nuisance though
but kept waiting for you

You could come back
with the old rays of glow
could bring back the glorious part
and could ask my hands with soulful thirst

It didn't happens I know
but still I kept waiting for you

Picture : Wikipedia
Read More :
written on 15th Jan,2014

Read the Astanayika series here

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Most Played ... 8

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Message in a Bottle !!

If anyone asks me to define LOVE, then what would I say? I actually don't know. I may define it in various way. I may take few long pages to describe it or I may not be able to describe it too. Now don't think that this month is the official month of Valentine and so that I am here. No, absolutely no.

For me Love is the most beautiful realization which anyone can ever have in life. Love can be depicted as the true emotion and care for your beloved and own. It is not that LOVE is different for different person / relation.I believe LOVE is always the same emotion which remains same for all. But the way of expressing love differs from one to other. Love can be best felt when there is pain and separation or not being with the one you love. It brings out the value most. 

Why today am I writing my words suddenly? The reason behind it is my recent read.Like I mentioned before I am not a typical bibliophile who always lives in books. But yes I am a light reader and like to read. But for past few weeks I am just running through pages of various books and today I completed the last page of Message in a bottle and again could not stop my tears to step back. My heart, nerve started trembling badly as I could not imagine the scenario. It was a complete amalgamation of pain, happiness. It was the perfect blend of being in love, moving on forward forgetting your past and yet being committed to your lost and past love. It was everything. I just don't have any words to explore its charm in that way. I may sound weird with all these sentences. But yes it was a painful and yes realizing read. It knocked my sea-level emotion again and I ended up reading my favorite lines again and again... 

The quotes which touched me in a deep way 

  • “True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.” 

  • “Someday you'll find someone special again. People who've been in love once usually do. It's in their nature.” 

  • “This is not a goodbye, my darling, this is a thank you. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy, thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever. But most of all, thank you for showing me that there will come a time when I can eventually let you go.  I love you, T.” 

  • “There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they barely fan one’s cheek. But the winds cannot be denied, bringing as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore.” 

  • “I have come to realize that destiny can hurt a person as much as it can bless them, and I find myself wondering why--out of all the people in all the world I could ever have loved--I had to fall in love with someone who was taken away from me.” 

  • “I am lost without you. I am soulless, a drifter without a home, a solitary bird in a flight to nowhere. I am all these things, and I am nothing at all. This, my darling, is my life without you. I long for you to show me how to live again.” 

  • “Love is Love no matter old you are, and I knew if I gave you enough time, you'd come back to me.” 

  • "As I write, I am struggling with the ghost of someone I loved and lost."
all quotes are from the Novel by Nicholas Sparks

No matter how much we use emails and message or any other app, true feelings can be inhaled only through the real handwriting which someone writes with his/ her emotions embedded with the ink and paper. They are real and just never old. I do have a habit of writing the real letters to my beloved for expressing my guilt, love and happiness. I may be so outdated to write them as I hardly get anything in return physically or via letters. Hmm I am touched by Message in a bottle. The movie is yet to be watched.

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Midnight in Paris ... a WOW watch

I wish I could live the life Gil Pender was living. The best time traveler movie I could ever watch was this. The story seemed so interesting. A writer is always keen to think something, write something with his/her imagination and vision obviously. Gil Pender was a writer and was working on his novel, but was accompanied with a poor thinker fiancee Inez who had hardly any sense to feel Gil's thoughts and emotions. Poor Gil too, the silent guy always used to listen to his fiancee and would be in laws.But then the miracle happened, Thank God he came up on that day to walk and it continued for all the other days too. A old 1920's car [the time machine I should say] came and took him to directly 1920's where he could meet all his idols and especially Adriana. Huh !! everything in the movie was about nostalgia and writing, walking along the lonely calm streets and to talk with the inner soul, and to explore the old. Co incidentally these all are even my likes too chiefly French !! 

Hmm I would appreciate everything to feel from this movie except the tedious, gibberish partner to always criticize my thought !! Ewwww !! 

Enjoyed the movie... If you still haven't watched it, then start playing it now.

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Thursday, 13 February 2014

She was Se Ri[na] OUS

When I received this topic in mail, I remembered only one of my incident happened during my K.G hood. I don't know why did I remember only this incident, as in this much of life I have met so many zarrorat se zyaada serious people. Anyways when my memory knocked me to think about that small and funny incident, I could not help myself from ignoring the other jerk's story. So the story goes like this.

The story revolves around the time of 1995 and I was a class II student. The school I used to go to was a Kinder Garden school and probably my best institution till date. In school I used to get pampered always by the teachers especially Headmistress [my boro miss whom I still meet and feel loved with ] and other staffs as well because of my calm and silent nature [I wonder how did I get Good Conduct, Best student blah blah blah awards then, I might have changed so much now] except only one teacher.Her name was Rina Madam. We used to call her as Rina Miss. She was Maths teacher.Her appearance was serious itself. She was tall and lean, used to have a slight puff at the front of her hair accompanied with two side locks like Jaya Bhaduri and a long thick braid. She used to always wear white and light colored saree though she was young lady and used to have always black bindi on her forehead. She used to be very strict to all of us. We used to tremble badly if she used to enter the class. 

As said earlier I was the less talkative and very obedient girl in school, I never did any odd behaviors in school. But I was just the opposite while in home, but was not talkative though. I used to eat everyone's brain with my odd deeds with no words spoken out of mouth which implies I was silent only. Anyways getting back to the point, I remember it was a normal school day and Rina Miss was taking Maths class at first half [before recess period]. I had a very bad [yet good and funny for me] habit of bidding good bye to PAPA with a special tune of mine. The tune distribution was like ♫ Ta [low] Ta[high] Pa [again low]Paaaaa [Very high] .I don't know what happened on that day, I forgot that I was in school, while asking permission to come inside the class from kid's restroom outside, I repeated the tune and made the line like ♫May [medium] I [low] C-o-o-o-m-e [very low] i-i-i-i-n [medium] Mis-s-s-s [very high]♫ with closed and pleasant eyes and grooving body. I didn't know the term opera else I could have called it my own opera. LOL... But the after effect was not good at all. My so serious teacher called me up and I woke up from my dreams and went inside. She scolded me harshly "You are singing? inside the class ? Is it the manner you are learning and blah blah blah? " I was stunned and started to weep silently. Then she sent me out of the class and put me with Kneeldown for the rest of the period. 

I may laugh at the situation now but that day I cried and cried as it was the so called first punishment of my life in school and the reason was the tune I used while asking permission to enter the class. It was harsh and very insensitive. Because if I would have been in the place as a teacher and if my student would have done such a behavior, I would never scold rather I would have adored the kid for the innocence.

So serious right ?? so that was my story of meeting a so serious MAM

Source : dreamstime

this post is written for #ConditionSeriousHai sponsored by 

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Monday, 10 February 2014

R.I.P baby Brown Puppy

I daily see them and cuddle them and play with them on the was to my office, rather I should say I used to till today evening. They were three cute tiny stray puppies accompanied with their innocent eyed, feared, alert caring mother doggy. But today while coming back from office something happened which left me unspoken for a few seconds and then brought tears... One of the three was killed by a car and it was lying down on the street as dead. But unaware of the fact that her baby has died, the mother doggy was still trying to compensate the pain of the puppy by licking the wound of its head.It was silent and still.. I was stunned and still heartbroken.. Want to ask only.. Can't you drive safe and save a mute creature ?? What was the hurry..
I am sad to loose my baby and attraction of evening. R.I.P brown baby !! May your other siblings get their life safe

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Love is what we need !!

Cross cultural marriage, Cross religion marriage, Cross state marriage do not make sense if the bond of two souls are strong enough. 

I am very ^ infinity happy today when I saw a picture of my old roomie getting married to her beloved. No I will not take name. In India often we are scared or bound to forget the commitment if the two belong to two different community and culture, especially religion. isn't it ? But I am happy to see my old North Indian Rajput roomie to become the Malayalam Christian White gowned beautiful pretty bride. 

I saw her spending her stressful nights day by day. Even she came to Dakshineswar Kali Temple to tie the Mannat for this with me. But all her wishes, tension, fear have become to the bed of roses today. I am so so glad that I could not stop myself from penning down this here. 

Love has no barrier if the bond is the strongest one. 

May God Bless You loads and Happy Married life ahead di ☺

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Friday, 7 February 2014

Thorny Crust

Nightmares wake me up
thorns poke my throat
choke my voice
heart beats way fast
Stress puts me down
hammers my brain
to get out of this black dark crust !! 

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

When the AF - FAIR was not only with Books

The 38th International Kolkata Book Fair is on now at Kolkata and like the fair, the charm is still being carried in the same way it always gets carried up over the past years. As the name suggests this fair is not only about the books, it means a lot to Bengali's heart. My post is lame for all Bengalis to read as they know what it is and how it is. Today was Vasant Panchami and got a bit time to move my legs to juggle around Asia's largest book fair and as usual it was healing to roam around and buy books. Though I am not a bookworm but like to read books, and bought few. Ate lot and captured few and every time I felt grateful to be born in Kolkata, the cultural capital of India, the heritage of JOY when was gazing upon the crazy Bengali book, art lovers Bengali crowd.

Today was a little bit special as it was Bengali's Valentines Day i.e. Saraswati Puja. The fair was filled with 'Saree'd young lasses and 'panjabi'd young lads. It was colorful and too cute to see.

Here I am posting the pictures

surfing the books

a smallest corner of the fair

when they hoped for selling

beautiful isn't it ?

Colorful .... 

When few are busy learning the technique

me.. :p

another smallest part of the fair
The common dress code was Saree and Kurta

Baul Song

Nodi bhora Dheu !! 

this cute baby girl was playful and was curious enough to
know about this LIGHT

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Reincarnation ... JATISWAR

পুনর্জন্ম এমন একটা বিষয় যা আমাদের সকলের মনের ভিতর কৌতূহলের সৃষ্টি করে। আর যখন সিনেমার নামই 'জাতিস্বর' তখন তো বটেই। আমি আজকেই সৃজিত মুখার্জীর জাতিস্বর দেখে আসলাম। সিনেমা দেখার আগে পর্যন্ত ভাবিনি যে এই সিনেমাটি আমার এত ভালো লাগবে যে আমি post লিখতে বাধ্য হব।অনেকদিন বাদে মনে হলো একটা ভালো বাংলা সিনেমাকে ভিতর থেকে যথার্থ ভাবে অনুভব করতে সক্ষম হলাম।

পুনর্জন্ম নিয়ে এর আগে সিনেমা হয়েনি তা নয়। আর আমার এই বিষয়ের সব সিনেমাই এখনো পর্যন্ত ভালো লেগেছে। কিন্তু deja vu নিয়ে বেঁচে থাকা যে কি কষ্টকর তা আজ বুঝলাম। নিজের বর্তমানকে হারিয়ে ফেলার আতঙ্ক এবং পূর্ব জন্মের স্মৃতিতে ঘেরা আঁধারে ডুবে যাওয়ার ভয় একজনকে যে কিভাবে ভিতর থেকে কুঁড়ে কুঁড়ে খেতে পারে তা আজ উপলব্ধি করলাম। আর সেই পূর্বজন্ম যদি বিখ্যাত Hensman Anthony বা Anthony Firingee এর হয়ে থাকে তাহলে ?

সত্যি কি মিথ্যা জানা নেই, কিন্তু রোহিতের কুশল দার প্রতিটি কথা,বাক্য আমার সামনে তুলে ধরেছিল প্রাক উনবিংশর আসল anthony কে।বর্তমানের সাথে অতীতের অদ্ভূত একটা সম্পর্ক দেখতে পেয়েছি। বাঙালি না হয়ে বাংলা কে ভালবাসা, দেখতে পেয়েছি Anthony এবং Rohit দুজনের মধ্যেই। বাংলাকে নতুন করে আবিষ্কার করেছে দুজনেই, উপলব্ধি করেছে দুজনেই, সবশেষে গান ও বেঁধেছে দুজনেই - সমান্তরাল ভাবে অতীত ও বর্তমানকে সঙ্গে নিয়ে। আবার দুজনের ভালবাসাও হয়েছে সমান্তরাল ভাবে, সৌদামিনী ও মায়া - দুই নামের অন্তরালে। 

Anthony Firingee কে এই বর্তমান প্রেক্ষাপটের ছাঁচে ফেলা কঠিন, কিন্তু সিনেমা দেখে তা মনে হয়েনি। প্রসেনজিত চ্যাটার্জী কে মনের মানুষের পরে এই সিনেমাতে আমার সবচেয়ে ভালো লাগলো। বিশেষত: কুশল হাজরা এর চরিত্রে। শ্যামাসঙ্গীত ও কবির লড়াইয়ে আমি ভুলে গেছিলাম যে আমি কোনো multiplex এর hall এ বসে আছি। আমি হারিয়ে গেছিলাম গানের তালে তালে। 

তারই মধ্যে আমি লক্ষ্য করছিলাম আমার পাশের দুই জন প্রৌড়া কে। তাঁরা দুই বোন্ ছিলেন কিনা জানিনা, হয়ত বা বন্ধুও হতে পারেন। নিজের মতন উপভোগ করছিলেন তাঁরা। প্রতিটি ফ্রেমে নিজেদের কৌতুহল আলোচনা করছিলেন নিজেদের মধ্যে। এবার হয়ত এটা হবে বা ওটা হবে। এটা প্রসেনজিত না না যীশু। আরো কতকিছু । আমি ছিলাম শ্রোতা আর মাঝে মাঝে দর্শক । সবচেয়ে ভালো লেগেছিল যখন সিনেমায় ফিরিঙ্গী কালিবাড়ি দেখালো আর দুইজনের একজন হাত তুলে জয় মা বলে নমস্কার করলেন। সিনেমার ওই plot টাও ছিল খুব সুন্দর যেখানে এখনের anthony ব্যস্ত কলকাতায়ে দাড়িয়ে এখনের ফিরিঙ্গী কালিবাড়িকে দেখে পূর্বের কালিমন্দির দেখতে পাচ্ছে ও উপলব্ধি করছে তাঁর আত্মাকে। ওই মূহুর্তে ওই প্রৌড়ার আকস্মিক ব্যবহার আমাকে খুশি করেছে। আর মজা পেলাম যখন দেখলাম সিনেমার Bandemonium এ রক গানের তালে তালে ওনাকে headbang দিতে। আশ্চর্য হলেও খুব ভালো লাগছিল ওই দুই ষাটোর্ধদের দেখে। 

Picture Courtesy : Prosenjit Chatterjee

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy


28th Feb,2014

26th Feb, 2014

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10th Feb,2014

10th Feb, 2014 midnight 1:00 am

8th Feb, 2014

8th Feb, 2014

2nd Feb,2014

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Saturday, 1 February 2014

হারানো বিকেল .... The lost end of day

আজ আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকায়ে 'পত্রিকা' বিভাগে সমরেশ মজুমদারের একটি প্রচ্ছেদ পড়লাম। প্রচ্ছেদটি পড়ে আমার মন কিছুটা হলেও নস্টালজিয়াতে ভরে উঠলো। 'বিকেলের মৃত্যু রাতের জন্ম' ছিল এই প্রচ্ছেদটির মূল বিষয়।


আমি এই জেন Y গোষ্ঠীর অন্তর্ভুক্ত হলেও আমি কোথায়ে যেন আমার কোন একটা সময়ের মিল খুঁজে পেলাম বক্তার ভাবানুরাগের সঙ্গে। তা সত্যি বটে , রাত থেকে মধ্যরাত যত গভীরতর হয়ে ওঠে, আমাদের জেগে থাকার প্রবণতা যাচ্ছে বেড়ে। যেই রাত ১২টা ছোটবেলায়ে অতিসীম মনে হত,তা এখন মনে হয়ে স্বাভাবিক আর বক্তার ভাবের মতন আমিও বিকেলকে ফেলেছি হারিয়ে। 
 একসময় বিকেল ছিল আমারও খুব প্রিয।আর শেষবারের মতন বিকেল্ কে নিয়মমাফিক প্রতিদিন উপভোগ করেছিলাম যখন আমি X এ পড়তাম। তারপর যেন কোথায়ে সেই বিকেলবেলার দিনগুলোকে হারিয়ে ফেললাম। লেখক সমরেশ মজুমদার যেমন বললেন "হাতে মাত্র দেড় ঘন্টা", আমার কাছেও ছিল সেই মাত্র দেড় ঘন্টাই। স্কুল থেকে ফিরে মায়ের বারা ভাত খেয়ে দৌড়ে চলে যেতাম আমার ছোটবেলার বন্ধু প্রিয়াঙ্কার বাড়ি। প্রিয়াঙ্কার বাড়ি যাবার মধ্যে একটা অন্য রকম আনন্দ ছিল। আর সেই আনন্দের একমাত্র আকর্ষন ছিল 'কালো ছাই'।ওর বাড়ির পিছন দিয়েই যাওয়া যেত সেই কালো ছাইয়ের মাঠে।সীমাহীন দৌড়,ছোটখাটো ক্রিকেট ,ছোঁয়াছুই, কাঁদায়ে দাপাদাপি ও ঘুরে বেড়ানো ছিল আমাদের প্রতিদিনের রুটিন। খুব খারাপ লাগত যখন সন্ধ্যা নামত। কারণ আমাকে আমার বাড়ি ফিরে আসতে হত। আর এসে হাত মুখ ধুয়ে পড়তে বসতে হত।কখনো কখনো আবার প্রিয়াঙ্কা আসত আমার বাড়ি। যেদিন প্রিয়াঙ্কার কোনো অসুবিধা থাকত, চলে যেতাম পাশের পাড়ার পার্কে। খেলতাম আমার থেকে ছোট ছোট ছেলেমেয়েদের সাথে। চড়তাম আমার প্রিয় দোলনা, একটুর জন্য হলেও ওড়ার অবকাশ পেতাম।ধুলোয়ে মেখে ফিরতাম বাড়ি। সেই বিকেলের পড়া সোনালী রোদ, গরম কালের হাওয়া,সুতির ফ্রক,পাউডারের গন্ধ আর প্রানখুলে খেলার আনন্দ আজ চাইলেও পাই না।কোথায়ে গেল সেই মাথায়ে কাঁটা ফুল গুঁজে রাজকুমারী সাজা,কোথায় গেল জংলি গাছের ফাঁকা ডাটা দিয়ে সাবানের জলের বুদবুদ ওড়ানো,কোথায় গেল ছাদের পাঁচিলে দাড়িয়ে নিজের সবচেয়ে প্রিয় ওরনা ওড়ানো, জানি না। 

আবার যখন একটু  বড় হলাম, যখন প্রতিনিয়ত বিকেল গুলোকে পেতাম না টিউশন ক্লাসের জন্য, তখনের বিকেলবেলা গুলোকে খুঁজে পেলাম লেখকের লেখা "অবিবাহিত তরুনীরা উদাস ভঙ্গিতে আকাশ দেখছেন অথবা বুঝতে না দিয়ে পাশের ছাদের কোনও তরুণকে " - এই লাইন থেকে। তখন ছাদের মধ্যে মাদুড় পেতে শুয়ে সাদা আকাশ দেখতাম। মেঘ গুলোকে জুড়ে কিছু দেখার চেষ্টা করতাম। কখনো  দেখতাম এটা বা ওটা। আবার বিশ্বকর্মা পুজোর আগে  ঘুড়ি গুনতাম। দু-একটা কেটে পড়লে উঠে পড়তাম সেগুলো ধরার আশায়ে।ঘুরে বেড়াতাম পুরো ছাদটাকে। দেখার চেষ্টা করতাম ওই অনেক দূরের যে ছোট ছোট বাড়ি গুলো দেখা যেত, তার মধ্যে কোনো মানুষকে।খুব অদ্ভূত হলেও বিস্বয়কর লাগত।তাঁদেরকে নড়তে চড়তে দেখলে আরো খুশী হতাম।যাকে বলে thrilling একটা ব্যাপার।খুব মজা লাগত। দেখতাম আকাশের শেষ প্রান্তের কারখানার ধোঁয়াগুলোকে মিলিয়ে যেতে।আস্তে আস্তে পাখিগুলো ফিরতে আরম্ভ করত, পেঁচা গুলো আবছা আলোয়ে ডাকতে আরম্ভ করত ও সন্ধ্যা নেমে আসত।ব্যাস,বিকেল জানাত বিদায়। 

এখন সেই বিকেল ফুরিয়ে যায়ে কখন টেরও পাইনা বদ্ধ অফিসের কড়া টিউবের আলোয়ে। সেইজন্যেই বোধ হয লেখন বলেছেন "বিকেলের মৃত্যু ,রাতের জন্ম" - রাতই তো এখন একমাত্র নিজের আপন সময় তাই না? যখন নিজেকে খোলা আকাশে না মেললেও, মেলতে পারি সারা দুনিয়ার কাছে একটা বদ্ধ ঘরে --- virtual আকাশে। 

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