On 1st January, 2016 I decided to keep a note on all the upcoming good things & not any bad or negative ones and I did.. Today on the last day of the year when I see that notebook, I can find more than 40 good things happened to me .. and it is not that these all were so big incidents. Even when I found the first flower blooming on my new flower pot, I noted it, or when I received my first pen friend's letters from Malaysia, I made note or when I took my parents out to dinner, I made a note. I noted single little things which made me feel LIFE IS GOOD and it is a BLESSING to have human life... And believe me as I didn't note down any negative feelings which did hurt me most.. I don't even remember them today, neither do I want to remember...so yes 2016 was a great year indeed ... I never expect anything from life nor do I plan my future. I love the flow of life & I want to live happily ever after, twirl my mind freely, pour it with love, joy and openness and with all such activities which helps me to nourish my soul...
I wish everyone a HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE... 2017 should be good to all.. and yes, try noting all your little good things that will make you smile. It feels great to see them at the end of the year...

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy