Sunday, 17 May 2015

PIKU - motion se hi EMOTION

I am really late I guess ... Because the time when I was watching it, for many it was the time of TWICE or THRICE .. But but but I can assure that this movie is as refreshing as you have seen it for the time first ... In one word .. Too Good ...


When most of the people were talking about how much they liked PIKU on Social media, I just noticed very few talking about it a waste because they felt so yucky because of the Constipation topic.. But fortunately the matter of constipation just made me laugh and besides the emotion of a father-daughter relation made me feel so lite, so endearing ... If our parents do behave like kid or throw tantrums or what ever like  shout, yell  or put off emotional statements we may get annoyed but at the end of day the fact is that they are our parents, who loved us, took care of us in each moment when we were kids and this time it is our responsibility to look after them.

picture :


Actors - BRILLIANT cast, brilliant execution by all of them even by the servant BODHON .. ♥ ♥

Songs  - as refreshing as the movie.. Frankly these are one of Anupam's best album till date... I was kind of bored by the songs he was composing since 2010 in Bengali..

another small thing just noticed when the movie was starting and the mane list of crew members were showing up on the screen ... Don't know how many of you have noticed that ... It is just that Indian names have 'I' letter in them .. most Indian names and thanks PIKU team for reminding them ... The RED BINDI ON EACH 'I'    

was mesmerized by her intense eyes and
 her acting as PIKU ♥♥ 

P.S I know one REAL LIFE PIKU ... I have been knowing here for last 1.5 years. She is my Train mate .. just another office goer .. She shares many things with much happiness about her life and family. After which I have realized that she has her mother totally depending on her for which she didn't marry .. She must be of 40 around.. She scolds her mother in phone, or gets annoyed but besides she worries too & most importantly she loves her dependent child like mother so so much ♥♥♥♥


Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Remember me ....

It is not new to say about him. The man who gifted us the heritage, the never fading culture and the emotions which could be found in his each creations... Today was his 155th Birthday and with that here one another tribute from my soul .. 

Remember me if I go far & beyond
if the ancient lost love gets layered 
with the romance that newly bloomed ..
if while staying near , 
you still can not realize my existence
still remember me..

if the tears knock your eye,
if one day this story stops at mid magnetic night
still remember me ..

if one day it remains incomplete in the morning of Autumn, 
remember me

if while remembering me,
your eyes do not splatter anymore
still remember me ....

The original one is below.

তবু মনে রেখো যদি দূরে যাই চলে।
যদি পুরাতন প্রেম ঢাকা পড়ে যায় নবপ্রেমজালে।
যদি থাকি কাছাকাছি,
দেখিতে না পাও ছায়ার মতন আছি না আছি--
তবু মনে রেখো।
যদি জল আসে আঁখিপাতে,
এক দিন যদি খেলা থেমে যায় মধুরাতে,
তবু মনে রেখো।
এক দিন যদি বাধা পড়ে কাজে শারদ প্রাতে-- মনে রেখো।
যদি পড়িয়া মনে
ছলোছলো জল নাই দেখা দেয় নয়নকোণে--
তবু মনে রেখো।

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Friday, 8 May 2015

Hold my hands

Give me your hands forever
Thy I shall take you to the world of hidden beauties 
where I will proceed and step in front a little 
and still will be hooked to your threaded harmony !!

I am amused by the picture series by Murad Osman. This is just one of them

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Not feeling to write Syndrome

I don't know what has happened to me .. I am just in not feeling to write mood.... and that is why I am less expressive now and that is why I am so irregular now ... Sorry folks .. Hope to get a quick recovery ... 

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy

Friday, 1 May 2015

Movies ... May, 2015

17th May, 2015

17th May, 2015

15th May, 2015

1st May, 2015

30th April, 2015

Posted By Debarati Datta Read about me here blogging since 2011 Copyright © Debarati Datta Privacy Policy